My name is Noémie Gmür (she/they).
I am a certified Sex & Couple Counsellor and Hypnotherapist. I offer therapy and workshops for individuals, couples and multiple partnered relationships.
I offer counselling in English and French online or in person.
Care and listening have always been at the heart of my way of being in the world.
I am a white, genderqueer, body-abled, queer, neurodivergent and polyamorous human being with a middle-class background who is also part of the sex-positive community.
Why do I share this? Because it’s important to share with you where I’m coming from, especially if you want me to accompany you on your journey. I am educating myself on systemic oppression and racism and detecting my own prejudice in order to create a space where you can express yourselves in trust, free of judgments and taboos. My approach is based on intersectional feminism, anti-capitalism and anti-racism.
The choice to become a therapist was the fruit of a long reflection. After 6 years working in the field of communications as a Social Media Strategist, I decided to change careers. The world of communication and advertising agencies led me to ask myself a lot of questions about the meaning I wanted to give to my work and the environment in which I was doing it. In 2018, I resigned and worked in freelance as a podcast author, director, producer and trainer. I even wrote a book on the subject called ‘L’art du Podcast’, published by Eyrolles. It explains how to start a podcast from A to Z.
My path to therapy started during my own therapy, where I was able to experiment with various approaches, such as mindfulness meditation, hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy, and holistic and conversational approaches. To this, I added my field experience as a transfeminist and queer activist by conducting awareness-raising workshops on street harassment in secondary schools, with the Parisian organization Stop Harcèlement de rue (fighting against street harassment). Then, I started a podcast called “Entre Eux Deux” (now NeuroQueer Connections), in which I interviewed people who were questioning the norm in relationships and gender. Each of these encounters has nourished my research work and my growing desire to put these skills and knowledge at the service of others.
This podcast was the catalyst. A kind of laboratory for exploration and observation, it reconnected me with a dream I’d put aside for years: to become a therapist.
In 2020, I took the plunge and resumed my studies in psycho-sexology at the Paris School of Psycho-sexology. I graduated and started my practice in 2022.
After starting my practice, I noticed some of the limitations of conversational therapy for people with traumatic experiences, which I had already noticed in my own work. My supervisor recommends strategic conversational hypnosis, also known as Reassociative Trauma Psychotherapy (PTR i French). I tried it out first as a client, and, convinced of its effectiveness, decided to train in it at the Milton H. Erickson Institute in Belgium in 2023. Currently, I started the Advanced Master “Sexology and Sexualities Clinic” at the Université libre in Bruxelles.
Working With Survivors Of Sexual Assault: Empowering Post-Traumatic Growth, by Monique Dauphin, LMHC, Hudson Valley Professional Development
August 2024
Sexuality and Psychotherapy of Reassociated Traumatism (PTR) Hypnotherapy Training, by Valérie Doyen, at the Milton Erickson Institute of Belgium
December 2023 - January 2024
Reassociated Traumatism Psychotherapy Hypnotherapy Certification, by Gérald Brassine at the Milton Erickson Institute of Belgium.
September 2023 - October 2023.
Psycho-Sexology Counsellor Certification, School of Psycho-Sexology, Paris, France
October 2020 - July 2022.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program with Franziska Röster, Leipzig
November-December 2022.
Private practice in relationship & sex counselling and hypnotherapy
July 2022 - Today
Member of the Awareness Team of Mjut, A club in Leipzig
December 2022 - December 2023
Facilitation of psycho-education workshops on the myth of romantic love
2021 - Today. For the Belgian association Nobody is wrong.
Research, writing and direction work for a sound documentary on the theme of control in intimate relationships
2020 - 2023. In collaboration with the Belgian organisation FemmesProd and Nobody is wrong.
Writing, interviewing, directing and producing the French podcast "Entre Eux Deux", which deconstructs our relation ship to gender and intimate relationships
2018 - 2021.
Facilitation of psycho-education workshops on street harassment in secondary schools
2018 - 2020. For the French association Stop Harcèlement de rue, Paris (fighting against harassment in public space).