“You are the expert of your own life. But sometimes, all it takes is the right question to change your perspective and move forward”


I offer sex and relationship counselling, as well as hypnotherapy.

I work in English and French online or in person, in Leipzig. For the session, we can discuss the fee based on income. You'll find below price scales.

Individual Counselling

It consists of a one-on-one counselling session, either online or in person. A sex therapy is intended to help you resolve intimate difficulties, performance anxiety, orgasmic difficulties, pain, sexual dysfunctions, relationship problems, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender dysphoria, trauma, body negativity… You might also want to explore new territories or kink(s) and be accompanied on this journey. However, starting a sex therapy does not mean that we will only talk about sexuality! In fact, we are under no obligation to talk about it. The topics are broader. In the event that I do not feel comfortable with a topic or skill, rest assured that I will express this to you and redirect you to a more appropriate person.


50 min solo online session: 60-90€

50 min solo in person session, in Leipzig West: 70 - 90€

If you would like to start therapy and are in financial difficulty, please let me know and we can discuss a reduced rate together.

Relationship Counselling

Couples and relationship counseling is intended to support and help partners in their relationship, from all sexual orientations, in monogamous or consensual non-monogamy. I can assist you in restoring the communication between you or building a healthier one if you identify negative patterns. I can also assist you if you want to open up your relationship or need mediation for a breakup.


50 min couple online session: 80-120€

50 min couple in person session: 90- 130€

90 min couple online session: 120- 150€

90 min couple in person session: 130-150€


I am certified in Hypnotherapy, with the approach called Psychotherapy of Reassociated Traumatism (PTR), by the Milton Erickson Institute of Belgium. This solution-focus approach helps to desensitize traumatic experiences & phobias, by changing the way our subconscious records them. It is based on the zero-pain principle. Having experienced traumatic experiences myself, I first tested this approach as a client, before deciding to train in it and offer it to my clients. It can be included in a sex & relationship counselling session if you're interested to try. A call or video call is recommended before starting a hypnotherapy. I'll tell you more about the approach, and you'll be able to ask your questions.


50 min solo online session: 60-80€

50 min solo in person session, in Leipzig West: 70 - 90€

90 min solo online session: 90-100€

90 min solo in person session, in Leipzig West: 100 - 120€

If you would like to start therapy and are in financial difficulty, please let me know and we can discuss a reduced rate together.


16.12.2023 : Mindfulness-Based Intimacy - with myself and others

You probably think about physical intimacy, right? However, it is so much more. Intimacy is when we are connected on a deeper level, and it comes in many different forms: emotional, intellectual, spiritual, creative, recreational intimacy... Thanks to a mindfulness approach, this workshop will enable you to explore these different kinds of intimacy and how (re)connecting to our body and to the present moment can help to grow healthier relationships not only with others, but also with ourselves. You will be introduced and guided through different meditations and exercises, which can be practised alone or/and with another person. When? On 16.12.2023, from 10:00 to 16:00 (including a lunch break) Where? At Yogastudio Ute Stephan, Zschochersche Str. 54-56, 04229 Leipzig Price scale: 70-80€ (If you would like to take part and are in financial difficulty, please let us me know and we can discuss a reduced rate together) Subscription by email, to noemiegmur@protonmail.com and/or franziska.koester@outlook.de